Tips to make your render good
Most people told me that their render "sucks".So it's a big problem for many beginners.Today I'm going to show you how to avoid that and add some dignity to your render.
To get started, I'm going to use a simple example file. CLICK THIS LINK to download the file.
Let's get started.
If you are using physically incorrect materials, your render will be unrealistic.It may maximize your render time too.However 3ds max provides us 100% physically corrected materials and a special material preset called "Arch & Design" known as A&D.I recommend that you use there two type of mats when doing a production or an architectural render.
To access those materials, choose your rendering engine as "Mental-Ray".Then go to the material editor(hotkey - M)>press standard button >scroll down to mental ray sub menu.
Recommendations:- For walls :- Autodesk wall paint
For floor tiles :- A&D with glossy ceramic tile template
After adding A&D and autodesk material your scene will look a bit better,but still It's not good enough for publish
Now your scene will be in this quality.
Filling The blanks
If there is a lot of free space in your scene it won't look professional any more.To fix that, you can fill the floor space with a sofa,coffee table whatever that fits.Also, you can use pictures to fill the walls.So I added a dining table and some pictures to my scene.
NOTE:-Use A&D for texturing.
Now my scene looks like this
Lighting is very impotent when you are doing an any type of render.Mr omini light is good to do night render.Sun light,sky light and mr sky portal lights are good to do a day time render. So I usually use that lights to my renders.In this case I'm going to do a day time render.So I add a sun light and a sky light with three mr sky portal lights.It looks dark now.
Exposure Controlling And Indirect Illumination Level
As you can see my render looks dark and noisy now.To avoid the dark open "environment and effects" window(hotkey - 8) and select "mental ray photographic expose control" and select an appropriate expose value.To add some quality to our render,we have to add some indirect illumination.To that, open "Render Setup" window (hotkey - F10) and go to indirect illumination tab.Then select a proper level.
NOTE -Higher the level you select, better the quality and takes a lot of time to render.
Then your render should be in a good level this is mine.
Adding Final Touches
If you want to add some final touches to the render you can use an image editing software.So I used photoshop and here is my final render.
Akila Uyanwatta
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